
The steel spectacle begins. Iron limbs crash and sparks fly! The drama of the mercenary life comes to the world of comics! The back story of the action shooter masterpiece, Front Mission: Gun Hazard.
Front Mission Series: Gun Hazard is a manga which was serialized in magazine publication Comic Bean from April 1996 to September 1996. The chapters were re-released by ASCII Comix on November 22, 1996. Series: Gun Hazard is an expanded universe supplement to Front Mission: Gun Hazard. The manga revolves around the stories of six characters before they are officially introduced in the video game. In effect, Series: Gun Hazard can be seen as a prequel. The stories of the characters do follow the one before it in sequential order, and eventually sync up with the late-game events of Front Mission: Gun Hazard.
Series: Gun Hazard begins four years before the events of Front Mission: Gun Hazard in January 2060, and ends before the video game does in December 2064. Due to its structure, the story of Series: Gun Hazard can be loosely split into three acts.
1. In Norway, Brenda Lockheart and her partner Boris check in with the Bergen Army for their newest assignment. Meanwhile in the Middle East, Luven Al-Hadi of the ARS Army infiltrates a Zohar Alliance stronghold to recon a new prototype weapon.
2. Vacationing in Peru, Dr. Akihito Sakata receives an urgent message from a former colleague in need of help. Somewhere in South America, Guardians commander Anita Diamonte investigates the loyalties of a new recruit to the fold.
3. A high-ranking Mexican government official hires the Crimson Blow mercenaries to assassinate a group of politicians. In Europe, Royce Felder begins working for the Society, an organization dedicated to advancing the globalization cause.
Dramatis Personae:
The main dramatis personae of the manga are Albert Grabner, Brenda Lockheart, Luven Al-Hadi, Dr. Akihito Sakata, Anita Diamonte, Genoce Felder, and Royce Felder. Other notable dramatis personae include Clark Wilson, Emil Szynsky, Axel Bongo, Rook the Detonator, Bishop the Berserker, and Richard Millman.
Major Sub-plots
- Brenda's camaraderie with her Kernelight Association colleagues.
- Luven's disdain of the never-ending wars in the Middle East.
- Akihito's past life as a developer of the ATLAS orbital elevator.
- Anita's paranoia over suspected spies within the Guardians.
- Rook's reasoning for following Genoce and serving under him.
- The painful loss of Genoce's idealism and good-hearted nature.
- The Society's systematic corruption of Royce's mind and self.
- The general feelings of hopelessness and despair among citizens of war-ravaged countries.
Other Notes
- Despite not being featured as a main character in any story, Albert's appearances in the featured stories adds a sense of continuity in the manga.
- The Heulen Wolf wanzer seen in the manga is in an incomplete state. It is revealed that Genoce took the machine in its alpha state, and just completed the design sometime during Front Mission: Gun Hazard.
- There are eight color pages inside the manga.
Front Mission Series: Gun Hazard
- Publisher: ASCII Comix
- Writer: Taishu Matsuda
- Illustrator: Taishu Matsuda
- Length: 200 pages
- ISBN: 978-4-7561-1257-6
- Audience: Mature, intended for readers ages 18 and older.
- Chapter List:
- Volume 1: Brenda Lockheart (Center Color)
- Volume 2: Luven al-Hadi
- Volume 3: Akihito Sakata
- Volume 4: Anita Diamonte
- Volume 5: Crimson Blow
- Volume 6: Royce Felder
- Epilogue
- Gun Hazard Who's Who
- Postscript