
Unveiling the Secrets of Gun Hazard

Happy extra February day to all!

As you might have already seen, we have a bunch of neat items for all of you to check out at our project website. Most of these pertain to Front Mission: Gun Hazard, which certainly deserves more love from us Front Mission fans. If you haven’t been there yet, I’ll sum up what the team has released:

  1. An updated Gun Hazard Radio Drama Series, now with information on its conception and never-before-seen Yoshitaka Amano artwork of the radio drama cast. If you haven’t seen it yet, go do so now!
  2. A very rare “behind the scenes” insight into the making of Gun Hazard film! Many thanks to Kyle for going on a secret mission for us during his recent stay in Japan, acquiring these details from insider sources we cannot name. You’ll never find this kind of top-secret information outside of the country, so we hope you enjoy it!
  3. A new article on the “Engrish” advertisements of the Front Mission franchise in Japan. We could have added more examples of this, but I think all of you will like what we have covered.
  4. 50 Faces of Front Mission character collage. It doesn’t show the complete recurring cast of the video games, and this would have been much bigger if we threw in the expanded universe media. Still pretty neat nevertheless and it’s done in a timeline-styled manner!

The team promised to unveil the secrets of Front Mission’s expanded universe to the world  (sans Japan) back in 2010, so we hope that you enjoy these details about the Gun Hazard universe. I know some of our team members are appreciating this, as they now have a more complete grasp of the Front Mission: Gun Hazard story, from events leading into it to unexplained mysteries in the video game. You can imagine how this unveiling of the story happened in Japan, where the fans were first introduced through its radio drama series and the film, followed by the video game itself, then a novel, and finally the manga series. This is what transmedia storytelling is all about, and is what Front Mission really is. Even Toshiro Tsuchida coined it as such in several interviews! We’ll explain all of this in a new, upcoming article about Front Mission and transmedia. For now, take a look at this…

A complete list of recurring characters of the Gun Hazard transmedia.

If you think the above list of recurring characters looks impressive and tight-knit for a transmedia, you haven’t seen anything like the one for the main Front Mission universe! Can you guess how massive and crazy the list would look!?

2 replies on “Unveiling the Secrets of Gun Hazard”

It would resemble a phonebook more than a list.

By the way, is the “March madness” you guys mentioned in the last update going to include the Declassified Document? (I am personally more interested in it than in translation of FM2)

Nice update, Tyler! Also, I would like to thank you and all the people working at for the constant efforts along all those years, even though most of the original team is no longer here and this comment section is kind of a weird place to do so!

I never thought that a franchise like FM would have such a dedicated community, specially here, in the West. Seeing Front Mission 2 and 5 being translated blows my mind.

Again, thank you! You guys are awesome.

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